Happy Friday!
You may find that when you ask you child what they did today,I bet they say "Ummm...I can't remember!" or "Nothing..." (I promise, we do LOTS!) So, here are some prompts to ask your child about what we learned this week:
-Can you tell me what a double is? (1+1, 2+2, 3+3, etc)
-Can you tell me how to see hello in a Blackfoot language?
-What is the name of the country we live in? province? city? community?
-What is a digraph? (when two letters come together to make a new sound. This week we did the SH digraph). Ask your child if they can tell you any words that have SH in them.
-What are some ways we can start sentences to share our ideas in writing? (I see, I think, I wonder).
-Someone got into our classroom and stuck 100 numbers all over our walls on Thursday! Ask your child what happened and take a look at the post it note 100 chart below. Ask your child about what they noticed about the chart.
-In spirit of Truth and Reconciliation, we are incorporating land based learning into our classroom. We have a sit spot in our field (the Blackfoot word is Mahkopiit). This is a spot in our field that we will visit throughout the year and use our sense to observe changes over the seasons. Ask your child what we do at our sit spot. Ask them to tell you about the changes we saw!
The list could continue, but I will stop there. I hope that you can engage in conversation with your child about all the new things they are learning!
Kid Quotes:
-We learned about pumpkins - Prabfateh
-We learned how to clean up together - Toleen
-We went to our sit spot and drew the changes in the trees - Adhyaan
-We went to the park and did adventure running -Meredith
-We went to the playground - Atish
-We did doubles in math -Jared
- MONDAY is photo retake day. You MUST email me if you would like your child's photo taken. If your child was ABSENT on photo day, please send me a reminder to send them for photos! Thank you!
- We will have a Halloween celebration on FRIDAY. Your child can wear their costume to school. If you do not celebrate Halloween, no worries, your child can come in uniform and still be part of the activities.
- I was able to check homework books today, so they have been sent home early. Spelling tests were also sent home.
- Library day is WEDNESDAY. You can send books back earlier if your child is finished with them.
- TOYS need to stay at home. This has been causing issues on the bus for some students.
- We have EDO fun lunch on Oct 27. If you would like to order, you must do so by Oct. 23
Have a great weekend!
Ms. Overdevest