Friday, November 26, 2021

Good morning,

What to ask your child about this week:

  • In science, we did another senses experiment. Ask your child what sense we used and what we did. Hint: the taste test.
    • Bonus: can your child tell you the 5 tastes our tongue can recognize?
  • In math, we practiced addition strategies. Try asking your child what doubles and make 10 friends are. You could also give them some single-digit addition questions and ask them to show or explain to you how they solve them.
  • In literacy, we learned about climbing stories (characters, events, problem, solution)  and walking stories (informational, talks about a topic). Ask your child if they can explain how these types of stories are different. At school, we practiced writing a walking story about Grade 1. Ask them to tell you what a day in grade 1 is like.
  • We had lots of fun viewing the books at the book fair. If your child did not get a chance to purchase a book, you still can online! Please refer to the email from Mrs. Taylor.
  • If you re able to sign up to volunteer for our casino fundraising night, please click the link here!
Have a great weekend!

Ms. Overdevest

Conference Reminder

Hello parents!

This is a friendly reminder that conferences are happening tomorrow evening and Friday morning. We are already receiving lots of calls at the school about how to find the link for the meeting. The fastest way to find it is to go into your email and search "School Conferences". The email should be from . In the email you will see a blue link like this:

Click Join Microsoft Teams meeting at your assigned time. I will let you into the meeting at your time!

See you virtually soon!

Ms. Overdevest

Tuesday Reminders


-Please send a water bottle with your child to school each day. I have had 5 students per day asking for plastic cups! We want to be friendly to the environment and minimize the use of plastic cups in the classroom.

-Tomorrow is fun lunch!

-Tomorrow is library day and book fair viewing day!

-Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather as they will be outside tomorrow for recess.

Ms. Overdevest

Friday, November 19, 2021

Good afternoon,

We had a week of FUN IN GRADE 1! We learned about "Make 10 Friends" and drew a Make 10 Rainbow to help us remember which numbers add up to 10. See the video below and feel free to watch it with your child at home to review this math strategy.

We also did an AMAZING literacy project this week. Students were asked, "Can you tell a story without using words?" and had a group discussion. They were shown the wordless picture book called "Pancakes for Breakfast." We discussed as a group how pictures can be used to tell stories and we don't always need words. After reading the pictures, students were asked to become authors and give words to this book. We made our very first youtube video and would love to share it with you! The students wrote the script while Ms. Overdevest typed. Students then practiced their lines and then were recorded. Ms. Overdevest used iMovie to put it together!

We also learned about what animals do to prepare for winter. Stay tuned for another amazing project that we can't wait to share with you!

Kid Quotes

-We finished our dance week of hip hop -Teddy

-I like that we had centres -Xander

-We made a movie called Pancakes for Breakfast -Aliyah

-We did rainbow make 10 friends math -Sahini

-We did science. We learned about bears, rabbits, and caribou. -Zainab

Have a great weekend!

Casual Day Tomorrow

 Reminder: it is a casual day tomorrow as we have our hip hop dance performance!

Password Problem + Parent Teacher Conferences

Good morning,

We are having a "Password Problem" in our class and I need your help! Students have been sharing their Raz Kids passwords with each other and looking at other students' log-in cards. They are then logging into other students' accounts and using all the stars and scribbling on the digital books. We have talked about this as a class last week and we will again today, however, if you at home can reinforce what it means to be a good digital citizen, that would be great.

Please remind students:

-You DO NOT share your password with anyone

-You DO NOT log in to anyone's account ever, even if they said you could

-You DO NOT use the virtual pen to draw on the books on Raz Kids

-The ONLY account you need to log into is your own.

ALL student passwords have been reset, and therefore the one glued into the homework will no longer work. I will send home new cards today for you to glue into the homework books.

REMINDER that students should be using LEVEL UP, not reading room, as Level Up is set to their reading ability, and once they complete all books there, they will move up. As students make progress, I will also go in and change levels. So, if your child sees that their Raz Kids looks different or it may look like they didn't read anything in level up, it is because I changed their level.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

  • You can now book your time for a parent-teacher conference.  It is important that EVERYONE book a time so that we can discuss the progress and growth your child has made.


Monday, Nov 8, 2021


-Wednesday is a FORMAL UNIFORM DAY as we will be having our virtual Remembrance Day Assembly.

-There is NO SCHOOL on Thursday and Friday this week

-Homework is due on Friday, Nov.19

-Homework books will be coming home today.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Happy Friday!

This week we did a new activity called Group Writing. As students begin to develop an awareness of sequence and learn how to tell a story  we engage in group writing. The students were given the picture below and asked to tell a story and give names to the pigs! They asked for the story to be posted so here it is!

In social studies, we are beginning to learn about rights and responsibilities that we have. We also learned about Sacred Buffalo Mountain aka Tunnel Mountain in Banff. If you have been to Banff you have probably heard of this mountain. The Indigenous people in the area call it Sleeping Buffalo Mountain because that is what it looks like! You can ask your child about the art we created inspired by this mountain. We also learned from a Metis Elder about the importance of the Buffalo and how this animal provides food, shelter, and clothing to the community.

Questions to ask your child:

-What does it mean to extend a pattern? Can you extend this pattern: red yellow blue blue red yellow blue blue

- What digraph did we learn about this week (TH). Can you make the soft and hard sound for TH? Can you say some words that have TH in them?

Kid Quotes:
-We did centres today and our spelling test. -Toleen

-We did art. We drew Sleeping Buffalo Mountain. -Nisha

-We did Acorn Art. We made trees and a snowy hill- Mirza


  • Please continue to monitor the weather and send appropriate outdoor gear with your child to school each day.
  • We have NO SCHOOL on Thursday AND Friday next week, therefore homework will be due on Friday, Nov 19 (you have 2 weeks to complete it).


Your child will be bringing home a beautiful piece of art attached to an ACORN SCHOOL FUNDRAISING form.  We have used this fundraiser for many years in the past and it is a great opportunity for parents to capture the art pieces of their children in a memory form. 

Along with everything else through COVID, Acorn has also changed the way they do their orders.  Please be sure to read the back of the order form, go online, take a picture of your child's artwork and upload for ordering.  You can order your art pieces, get Christmas cards or postcards to share with family and friends or create a calendar to admire all year long.

Please be sure to place your order by midnight on November 14 as late orders will not be accepted on the system.  You will be able to upload your artwork, place your order and pay online.  All artwork will be delivered to the school and here by December for any of those Christmas orders you may need.

All funds raised will go towards school wide resources and events, such as: presentations, outdoor recess equipment,  and in school field trips.

Thank you for your continued support of our school and our program!

Have a great weekend!

Ms. Overdevest