Friday, April 22, 2022

Happy Friday!

We have had a wonderful wonky week! This week was full of excitement and fun. We did lots of rehearsals and got to watch dress rehearsals. In math, we are exploring 2D and 3D shapes. Take a look at the Google Slide to see what we have been working on. In literacy, we continued to work on vowel teams.

Kid Quotes:

We did tech time. We did Scratch and Starfall. -Meredith

We made 3D objects out of PlayDoh. -Nisha

We did a Terry Fox lap in gym time. -Rakshan

We did our Willy Wonka play. We did well! -Mirza

We drew 3D objects. I like the cube. -Helena

Yesterday we went to the gym then we played fun stuff. -Jared

Today we read the Earth book. -Richard

We did some Health with Mrs. Hawkins and had a good time. -Hasset

We also did a PE chase game to make us calm down. -Olivia

We did a spelling test. -Hooman

We talked about Earth Day. -Kaira

We did Go Noodle. -Atish

We did pattern block art. We had to create an object from a picture card. -Adhyaan


  • We need volunteers for our May 16 field trip to Ralph Klein Park! PLEASE email me if you are available!
  • The weather continues to change its mind on an hourly basis!!! Please make sure you take a look at the forecast and send appropriate clothing with your child to school! We go outside for recess up to -20. It is always a good idea to leave gloves and hats in backpacks just in case we need them!