Happy Friday,
It was another busy, fun-filled week in Room 12. This week we worked on writing MORE than 4 sentences and using adjectives in our writing. This is tricky but we are making progress.
In math, we continued to work on subtraction strategies. We used play-doh, ten frames, and number lines to show our thinking.
In science, we learned the words transparent and opaque. We used watercolour pucks to see how we can make the paint more transparent. You can ask your child about this and if they can remember what those words mean.
In character education, we have been sharing daily what we are happy about, thankful for, or excited for. This has been a very reflective activity, as we have to pause and think about the many things that happen in a day!
Valentine's Day
Today a printed class list was sent home for students to use if they are handing out Valentines on Monday. You do not have to send them to school, but if you do, please make sure that everyone gets one.
Click HERE for a list of student names.
Please DO NOT send in snacks to be shared at school (i.e. cupcakes, cookies). Prepackaged valentines (i.e. mini chocolate bars) will be sent home in an envelope.
-NO SCHOOL on Thursday (Feb 17), Friday (Feb 18) and next Monday (Feb 21). Enjoy family time!
-I am sure you have heard the announcement from the government regarding changes to mask mandates. As of Monday, students do not have to wear a mask. Please talk about this with your child so that they know whether or not you would like them to keep wearing a mask at school.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Overdevest and Mr. H