Password Problem + Parent Teacher Conferences

Good morning,

We are having a "Password Problem" in our class and I need your help! Students have been sharing their Raz Kids passwords with each other and looking at other students' log-in cards. They are then logging into other students' accounts and using all the stars and scribbling on the digital books. We have talked about this as a class last week and we will again today, however, if you at home can reinforce what it means to be a good digital citizen, that would be great.

Please remind students:

-You DO NOT share your password with anyone

-You DO NOT log in to anyone's account ever, even if they said you could

-You DO NOT use the virtual pen to draw on the books on Raz Kids

-The ONLY account you need to log into is your own.

ALL student passwords have been reset, and therefore the one glued into the homework will no longer work. I will send home new cards today for you to glue into the homework books.

REMINDER that students should be using LEVEL UP, not reading room, as Level Up is set to their reading ability, and once they complete all books there, they will move up. As students make progress, I will also go in and change levels. So, if your child sees that their Raz Kids looks different or it may look like they didn't read anything in level up, it is because I changed their level.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

  • You can now book your time for a parent-teacher conference.  It is important that EVERYONE book a time so that we can discuss the progress and growth your child has made.