Friday, May 27, 2022

Good afternoon, 

This week we continued to work on measurement. We learned how to measure using our feet. We also learned about ESTIMATING. Click below for 2 games you can play at home!

Level 1

Level 2

In science, we continued learning about the needs of living things and how seeds can travel and spread. 

We are making great progress on our social studies projects. We have decorated our boxes with drawings of our families, our favourite things, country flags, and of course a self-portrait. We also worked on our personal timelines. We can't wait to share this with you!

Click HERE to see new photos from our field trip to Ralph Klein Park!


  • PLEASE continue to send a water bottle with your child to school daily. As the weather gets warmer we want to make sure that everyone stays hydrated.
  • We have TWO field trips coming up. We are going bowling on June 6 and 7. We will be walking up the street from our school to Toppler Bowl! This is definitely a memorable experience for the students.
  • On JUNE 14 we are going to Heritage Park. I need 5 volunteers with CBE police clearance. Please email me ASAP if you are interested so that I can give a volunteer form to your child. 
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Overdevest

Thursday, May 19, 2022


  • We are going on another field trip on JUNE 14. If you are interested in joining us, please email Ms. Overdevest ASAP. You MUST have your police clearance done to join us. If you do not have this yet, please call the office right away and they can get the process started. 
  • There is NO SCHOOL on Friday and Monday-enjoy your May Long Weekend.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Good afternoon,

We had another great week in Room 12! Please read the messages below carefully!


-Your child MUST be in formal uniform for the trip.

-You need to pack a snack, lunch and refillable water bottle for your child.

-Please check the weather and dress your child in appropriate outdoor gear. Part of the trip will be outdoors, so please make sure they have the necessary items (jacket, gloves, etc).

-Students will come to school at the normal bell time. We will then get on the bus at 8:20 and leave for Ralph Klein Park. We will come back to the school at about 2:20 and students will be dismissed at 2:30 (our normal bell time).

-As this is our FIRST ever field trip experience, please talk to your child about expectations and safety. They MUST stay with an adult during the trip. They need to always tell an adult if and when they need to use the washroom. They need to follow all directions from the adults on the trip and at the park. 

Kid Quotes

We did flower art.-Ire

We went to the gym with the grade 3's.-Sahini

We did butterfly art. -Kaira and Meredith

We celebrated my birthday.-Nisha

We did mad minutes.-Hooman

We used paper clips to measure the big carpet in our classroom. -Mirza

We did the 7 scared laws. This week we learned about the beaver. -Atish

We did our spelling test. -Aliyah

We did measuring with snap cubes. -Toleen

We watched Calgary Flames hockey. -Hasset


  • Fun Lunch is on May 26. Please order before next weekend!

Thursday May 12, 2022

To support our Calgary Flames in their playoff run and in Game 6 tomorrow (FRIDAY), students are encouraged to wear their Flames Jersey or a RED shirt!

Only one more win for the Flames and they move to round 2 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs!


Friday, May 6, 2022

Good afternoon,

We had a week full of fun! We made a super special Father's Day gift with Ms. Kelly from Clay for Kids. The students did a WONDERFUL job. We cannot wait to show you!

In math we learned two new symbols: greater than and less than. We think of an alligator when we use these symbols; the alligator always wants his mouth open to the greater number!

In writing, we wrote stories. We are practicing editing our work-if we can't read it, we need to fix it! We are working on always using an upper case letter to start sentences and a period at the end of each sentences. We are continuing to really stretch out sounds when spelling more challenging words. 

In science we have started on unit on the needs of living things. We planted bean seeds today and will be watching them grow!

Kid Quotes:

We did clay for kids for Father's Day.-Nisha

We made cards for Mother's Day. -Helena

We learned about the Truthful Turtle. -Adhyaan

We did Health with Mrs. Hawkins and we learned about not interrupting people when they are talking. -Hasset

Today we went to the rainbow playground and we had fun at the playground. - Jared

We made a real plant.-Atish

At tech time we did something new. We learned about flowers.-Mirza

We did the silent choking sound and quiet tap dancing sound.-Toleen


I need a few more volunteers with police clearance for our trip on MAY 16. Please please please email me if you are able to come!

We are going on another field trip on JUNE 14 to Heritage Park and will need volunteers! PLEASE EMAIL MS. OVERDEVEST IF YOU ARE ABLE TO COME ASAP.


Last Wednesday (Apr 27), I sent home a form to collect photos and information about your child as we will use this in a social studies project. A digital copy can be found HERE if you need it. I understand that this is a lot of info and items to collect, so if you need until next week, that is okay!

Also, if you have extra shoe boxes, please send them in so that all students can have one.

Please note this is different than what is assigned in the homework file for May 2-6! The homework was to interview an adult about their past!

Thank you for your support with this big social studies project! I hope that when we are done this is a keepsake you can hold on to and cherish!

Social Studies Project Reminders!

Hi parents!

Last Wednesday, I sent home a form to collect photos and information about your child as we will use this in a social studies project. A digital copy can be found HERE if you need. I understand that this is a lot of info and items to collect, so if you need until Monday, that is okay!

Please note this is different than what is assigned in the homework file!

The homework was to interview an adult about their past!