Friday, January 14, 2022

Good afternoon,

We had quite a busy first week back in room 12. We have a student teacher, Mr. Hochhalter (Mr. H) joining our class from now until the end of February. The students have been so kind and welcoming!

Questions to promote discussion at home:

-What animal are you researching? (Polar bears. So far, we have drawn a polar bear and labelled a diagram. You can ask your child something interesting they learned about the colour of a polar bear's fur and skin).

-What are you going to be making in social studies? (we are building a pop-up community with lots of services)

-What did you do in math this week? (problem-solving and addition facts)

-What is an adjective? (adjectives are describing words, they help make our writing more exciting. We did a snowman writing piece where students had to describe with detail what the snowmen were doing.)

Kid Quotes

"Mr. Hochhalter joined our class." -Nisha

"We did firework art." -Aliyah

"We did science. We are learning about Polar Bears." -Jared

"We did Ketchup. We finished our word search and poetry." -Sahini

"We did health. We wrote goals." -Rakshan

Have a great weekend!

Ms. Overdevest and Mr. Hochhalter