Good evening,
We had a very exciting day today, as we did our first art project of grade 1. Ask your child about what they made this morning (hint: it is in one of the kid quotes below). We also did word work, where we studied the AT word family. Ask your child if they can tell you a few words that belong to this word family!
Kid Quotes
"We went to the playground." -W.L
"The best part of my day was crafts. We made hot air balloons." - X.B
"My favourite part today was our first time to music." - T. A
"I liked gym because we danced." - T.W
-Meet the teacher night is TOMORROW. I will be running a session from 6:30 to 7:00 and another from 7:00 to 7:30. this is to accommodate those who having siblings in other classes. All the log in information is on the oragne/yellow sheet that I gave to you at our Ice Cream Social. Please keep it in a safe space.
-Students will be taking home folders and homework books on MONDAY (correction from yesterday). Stay tuned for more info about homework.